
Cathriona Hodgins Nutrition Perimenopause HRT Ireland

Before you reach for the HRT you need to try this

Before you reach for the HRT you need to try this When you’re struggling with poor sleep, hot flushes, night sweats, brain fog, anxiety, sudden …

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cathriona Hodgins Nutrition Perimenopause programme

How to regain your sparkle and zest for life through Perimenopause – especially if you don’t know you’re in it!

How to regain your sparkle and zest for life through Perimenopause – especially if you don’t know you’re in it! Feeling a bit flat and …

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Cathriona Hodgins Nutrition Perimenopause Program

8 Perimenopause myths and horror stories you DON’T have to live with

8 Perimenopause myths and horror stories you DON’T have to live with Perimenopause, that long drawn-out phase before reaching the menopause sounds like a horror …

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Reset digestion this March

Healthy eating can be hard when were out of a routine so chances are your digestion has suffered over the last few months, I know …

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Key signs your not digesting your food properly- feeling the bloat

I have been recommending digestive enzymes to nearly all my clients this month because of the classic symptoms I’m seeing associated with incomplete digestion of …

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As we continue to emerge..what is your new normal?

So, what is the new normal for you? Don’t make the daily bloating the new normal. Don’t let the new normal become jeans that are …

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Boosting your Immune System

Beat those bugs this spring by boosting your diet to boost your immune system. The top 3 ways your diet can help. It’s easier than …

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Summer comfort eating?

Are you a Summer comfort eater? It’s a new trend with our current weather systems. My mind says bread, stews and mashed potato but my …

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New Year New You?

Is it a new year and new you? Or is it a new year feeling bloated with low energy and brain fog? Has the excess …

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New season, new routine-3 questions to ask yourself

Back to school is a busy time with a new routine to get used too. Many of us are multi-tasking and juggling a lot of …

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5 reasons why summer is the best time to focus on your family’s health

With the kids out of school, no lunchboxes or after school activities to plan for summer time is an excellent opportunity to focus more on …

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Women’s Health: The best version of you!

Would you like to become the best version of you this March? As International Women’s Day is 8th March we are celebrating with a special …

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Broken resolutions ? Unhappy with your weight? Feeling bloated?

Goodbye January, hello February! So how are you getting on with your new years resolutions ? Started and failed ? or struggling to get started? …

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4 ways we sabotage our weight loss plans

‘I eat well but I can’t seem to lose weight’ A common phrase I hear from clients. But when we sit down and go through …

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Skin Detox

Jan is over and spring is hopefully on the way so time to think about detoxing and getting the skin glowing again. Your skin is …

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Ultimate party hero !

A little black dress? Killer mascara ? No !!! Preparing your gut for Christmas so you don’t have to suffer the consequences. Your gut ? …

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Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can get some bad press due to the fact that it is a saturated fat but it is a very healthy plant based …

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Anti-inflammatory foods

In my clinic in Athlone I regularly see clients with arthritis. Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that causes pain and immobility. In Ireland …

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Food Diary

I always ask my clients to start a food diary when they have a consultation with me in Athlone. This is a very simple but …

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Eat your way to a healthy heart!

Heart disease is still the number one killer in Ireland claiming one life every hour. Diet and exercise can reduce your risk by 80%. •   …

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Good mood food

Good Mood Food We as a nation should be eating more good mood food its so easy to end up on a sugar rollercoaster which …

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Planning lunches

Is lunch time a problem for you ? Do you find it hard to plan and end up grabbing something from the local shop or …

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Back to School with Good Nutrition

It’s the final countdown to September. Have you got the books? uniforms? school bags? Yes !! Lunch box ideas ? Oh No! the dreaded lunch …

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Eat your greens

Kale Crisps At last ! a healthy nutritious crisp that’s guilt free… We all love a snack in front of the tv with a cuppa …

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Is Sugar the New Fat?

Sugar….there’s no getting away from it, its everywhere, in everything! And lets be honest we love it! So whats all the fuss about ? Back …

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Beetroot is in season now and widely available from your supermarket or fruit & veg shop. Both the leaves and the easily-recognised bright red root …

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Butter- Yes Butter!!

Butter I hear you say !!! Yes good old fashioned butter. A very healthy fat that we should be including in our daily diets. Why …

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Pomegranates now widely available are becoming a favourite for there high antioxidant properties. They score higher than blueberries on the antioxidant scale and contain powerful …

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Avocados are a great food to introduce to your babies and toddlers, people tend to think that avocados are full of fat, yes they are …

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Quinoa- Queen of Grains (pronounced Keen- wa)

Often referred to as a grain but is actually a seed from South America, this is an amazing food that should be a store cupboard …

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